Monday 27 September 2010

We have started working through our first set of sounds s,a,t,p,i,n this half term. We have demonstrated that these letters can be put together to create words. The children have been chopping various words into sounds p/i/t and sounding them out which has allowed them to then blend the letters together to read. The children have amazed me with their letter recognition and have done fabulously well!!
We are holding our first phonics curriculum evening on 7th October more details to follow.... which will allow us to explain how we teach phonics in Reception.
The children will be getting their reading books this week and some books may contain keywords; some of which can be decoded such as a-t and i-t. The tricky keywords have to be learn't by sight. This can be done daily with a 5 minute flashcard session. As we introduce the words we will publish them on the blog, in newsletters or put on our noticeboards. Flashcards could be build up weekly so the children can move throught these words fairly quickly. We have started with 'the' and 'I' so far and we have been hunting for these words in class. If you could use, show and allow the children to practice reading and writing these words this would be a great help!!
Thanks Miss Skidmore


liz gregory said...

i have not got the school dates in front of me but i thought there was a maths workshop on the 7th. if so do you know if they are on at different times?

Mrs F said...

You're right - the rest of school is doing a maths evening on that night - but we are doing Phonics as this fits better with what we are doing.....We will be doing our maths nights in this space!!! :)