Sunday 19 September 2010

WK Beg 20th Sept 2010

I hope you all have had a lovely weekend - if you have done anything exciting we would love to hear about it!!

This week we will be introducing our new topic 'Me and My Marvellous Journey'. We will be looking at who we are and looking at the similarities and differences between us. We will also begin painting our portraits, carefully mixing our skin tone and eye colour!!

Phonics gets underway this week and we will be by recapping s-a-t-p and practicing forming these letters. We will also be doing our first BIG write of the year and the children will be asked to have a go at writing their name and showing off anything else they can write!

Number will continue with number formation and counting as well as singing lots of number rhymes with Number Norman and Dizzy the Dragon!!

It can get a little lonely on the blog, so please leave a comment and let us know what your child thinks about Big school! Thank you - see you tomorrow!!

The Reception Team


Lesley McLean said...

Wow - sounds like a busy week ahead! Finn's really enjoying Reception- although he never seems to remember what he's done when we ask him (that's why the blog's so great - we can ask him specific questions and get a response). He's especially enjoyed the Biscuit Song and sang us the whole thing on Saturday as an "X-Factor" audition. He's coming home proud of writing numbers and it's great to see him so stimulated.

Unknown said...

Sounds fantastic! Such a shame Kaeden's missing so much school. The blog is really useful though, as we gain an insight into what he would be working on and are able to support him at home, so that he doesn't fall behind.

Anonymous said...

Poppy can never remember anything she's done either. I wonder if the blog could contain a menu for the week as when I ask her what she's had for her dinner she tells me she has jelly and ice cream every day & even I realise that's not true!!

Penny Moore said...

Sounds fantastic! It's such a shame that Kaeden has missed so much school.
The blog is really useful though, as we are able to keep up to date with the planned activities, which enables us to support him in his learning at home, so that he doesn't fall behind.

Thank you