Wednesday 22 September 2010

Dinner Today - Wednesday 22nd

Dinner today was:

Roast Pork, Roast potatoes, Carrot and Leeks

followed by:

Sponge and custard!!

yum - it was delicious!!


Tom Oulton said...

OM NOM NOM...Sounds delicious!

Any chance the whole menu could be posted so we know what our kids are eating (I've tried asking the boy but he always answers either "Nothing" or "Can't remember").


PS Still no response on the reason for New York & Athens

liz Toms mum said...

i keep showing the blog to people (other mums)at my work and they all think it is a fab thing. Most of them say they wish they knew what their child had for lunch! Thanks for keeping us updated with what may seem like trivial information but i love to hear what they do and eat!