Sunday 5 September 2010

First week back!!

Well here we are the night before.....getting quite excited about going back I hope your children are too!! This week we will be mainly focusing on settling in and getting to know each other and the classrooms - we will be singing some familair number rhymes and playing some listening games as well as circle time and lots of stories!! On Wednesday we are going to have a go at ready for PE (eek!!) I know this will be difficult for some children - but don't worry we WILL be there to help! You can help us by making sure everything is named - including, skirts, trousers and dresses!! Having just packed Alice's pump bag (how organised!!) I think it would be a good idea to do this with your child so they know exactly what they have got in there!! Also don't forget to personalise your child's PE bag in some way, so they can find it easily!! Can you also please bring in your child's empty book bag this week, so we can get them ready for reading books!! Ok thats it for now... enjoy the rest of this sunny Sunday - and we will see you at some point this week!!

Thank You
The Reception Team


Lesley McLean said...

Good luck with the PE 'exercise'! we don't have a pump bag yet - will one be winging its way?

Mrs F said...

I'm so sorry about the name thing!! I'm really annoyed with myself!! His is not the only one! I've changed his name badge and peg today and I will sort out another pump bag!! Apologies again! :)