Monday 27 June 2011

Castleford Tigers v Warrington Wolves

Reduced price tickets are available from school for the Castleford Tigers v Warrington Wolves game on Friday 1st July 2011.

Adult Tickets are £10 each and child tickets are £5 each.

There is also a cashback incentive for all tickets sold through school which will go towards funding the Brigshaw Trust 2012 Olympic Project that we are part of. Tickets will be available from Tuesday after school at the main school office.

Sunday 26 June 2011


I am absolutely amazed at how beautifully behaved New York Class were on our trip to Bridlington last week! and I am equally as proud of you all. Mrs Foster was saying how wonderful you were all behaving and Mrs Cox said "she could take New York Class on trips anytime!!" Mrs Rymer would like to say a huge congratulations too! We were blessed with super weather and we all had a great time..... Everyone seemed worn out on the way back and they all really enjoyed themselves so it's time to take a look for yourselves....

I tried to do a photostream for you but my internet connection kept letting me down. Here are a few pictures for you to look at BUT I will show the rest in the morning and after school as a photo show as you drop off and collect your children feel free to stay and watch them.

Miss Skidmore and Mrs Rymer

Saturday 25 June 2011

Friday 24 June 2011

New York New York!!

Once again another brilliant day - fantastic behaviour and fantastic weather!! Well done New York Class - you did us proud!!

Lots of pictures to upload - but blog not playing tonight - will try again tomorrow.

I hope you all have a fab weekend - and we shall see you on Monday! :)

Thursday 23 June 2011

Amazing Athens Class!!!!!!

What an amazing day!! I was so proud of everyone in Athens Class - I had lots of compliments from the other adults about their wonderful behaviour throughout the day. Mrs Smales said 'I'd take your class on a trip any day - they're fab!!' and I agree!!! Everybody listened well and waited patiently with no moaning whilst we waited for the rain to stop after lunch - unfortunately it didn't stop - but it didn't stop us having a brilliant time and lots of fun!! Yes....we all got wet....VERY wet - but we were quickly dried off and changed and ready for an ice-cream!!

All the children we brilliant on the coach - entertained themselves singing and chatting and asking LOTS of times 'Are we nearly there....?' On the way home - lots had a little snooze - even one or two adults - I have some great photos of the sleepers and a lovely one of Miss Fotopoulou catching a few flies!! I haven't got my camera lead at home - but will download all the photo's tomorrow and share some of them with you on here. On Monday morning I will put up a slide show of all the photos as the children are coming in and you are welcome to stay and have a little look.

Well done again Athens Class and thank you for making it such an enjoyable day!!! I'm very lucky and I truly love my job!!!

Early night I think tonight - as I get ready to do it all again with New York Class tomorrow!!

Sleep well my little super stars!! xxx

Sunday 19 June 2011

Ship Ahoy!!

We will be continuing this week with our Pirate theme leading up to our Bridlington trip. The children will be looking at the types of ships pirates sailed in and how they acquired them. The children will be designing their very own pirate flags and making up their own pirate names as well as designing treasure from various materials in the outdoor area.

We will be taking a scientific approach this week and investigating what good materials are best to make a pirate ship model from can the children make it float? Will it sink and why? Would a paper boat be a good idea? What is the best material?

The children will also be making pirate accessories and writing messages in a bottle to their friends when they are stranded on a desert Island.

This week we will be consolidating our understanding of 1 more/1 less than and in particular subtraction and looking at what happens to the number when we take away. The children will be using number fans, numberlines, number mats and a 100 square to support their understanding by counting and jumping backwards.

The children will be embarking on a fabulous journey of their own this week to Bridlington so an action packed week in store ...... Ooh Argh!!

If you have any newspaper, foil, old cork, plastic bottles you would like recycling we would really appreciate any donation for our outdoor antics this week.

Hope you had a fabulous weekend and we will see you bright eyed and bushy tailed Monday morning!!

The Reception Team

New York Class dads

New York Class Dads

We would just like to say a huge thank you to all the dads that came into New York Class on Friday, the children had a lovely time and we hope you all had a fabulous Father's day today. Here are some pictures and memories for you to take a look at. I am sure you will agree the children loved sharing stories with their role models .


Miss Skidmore and Mrs Rymer

Friday 17 June 2011

Athens Class Dads.....

Would just like to apologise to all the Athens Class DADS.....we forgot to give out our lovingly made 'Father's Day' cards - oops!! It's a real shame because the children had worked hard making them and were looking forward to giving them to you on Sunday. We are sorry and will give them out on Monday. In the meantime we would like to wish all our dads a Happy Father's Day for Sunday and we hope you all have a great day!!

It was so great to see so many Dads and Grandads in school today for our DAD READING event - the children really enjoyed having you's a few photo's from my class!!