Thursday 23 June 2011

Amazing Athens Class!!!!!!

What an amazing day!! I was so proud of everyone in Athens Class - I had lots of compliments from the other adults about their wonderful behaviour throughout the day. Mrs Smales said 'I'd take your class on a trip any day - they're fab!!' and I agree!!! Everybody listened well and waited patiently with no moaning whilst we waited for the rain to stop after lunch - unfortunately it didn't stop - but it didn't stop us having a brilliant time and lots of fun!! Yes....we all got wet....VERY wet - but we were quickly dried off and changed and ready for an ice-cream!!

All the children we brilliant on the coach - entertained themselves singing and chatting and asking LOTS of times 'Are we nearly there....?' On the way home - lots had a little snooze - even one or two adults - I have some great photos of the sleepers and a lovely one of Miss Fotopoulou catching a few flies!! I haven't got my camera lead at home - but will download all the photo's tomorrow and share some of them with you on here. On Monday morning I will put up a slide show of all the photos as the children are coming in and you are welcome to stay and have a little look.

Well done again Athens Class and thank you for making it such an enjoyable day!!! I'm very lucky and I truly love my job!!!

Early night I think tonight - as I get ready to do it all again with New York Class tomorrow!!

Sleep well my little super stars!! xxx


Lesley McLean said...

Finn had a fantastic day and it is a credit to everyone, despite the long coach ride and the weather. He is fast asleep, while his sandy clothes spin in the washing machine. Hope New York class have as much fun.

Liz Gregory said...

Tom loved it as well. He did not mind the weather and his favourite bit was his chocolate ice cream. Thank you all for giving him such a good time.

Mrs F said...

I'm glad they both enjoyed it - my washing machine has also been full of soggy, sandy high vis vests!!! Glad Tom liked his ice cream, although it wasn't chocolate, bless him - it must have tasted that good after all the rain! ;0)

Claire said...

Thank you Heidi had a fantastic time. Our bath was full of sand! Fingers crossed you get better weather tomorrow.