Sunday 12 June 2011

Week commencing 11th June

Well what a week!! The weather has definitely put us to the test, so we are hoping that we can bring on some more summer sunshine this week!

This week we will be exploring the world of pirates, looking at pirate clips and studying how they dress, what they travel around in and what they do for a job? The children will be making pirate hats, patches and creating treasure maps. We will be making our own pirate ship, walking the plank and even digging for buried treasure!! The children will learn about some famous pirates and will have the opportunity to dress-up too. If you have any old pirate costumes or accessories etc... you don't need anymore then we would be very grateful. We also would like to encourage the children to bring in their favourite pirate stories if they have any at home for us to share in class.

This week we will be revisiting 1 more and 1 less than, comparing quantities and practicing counting accurately up to 20 objects and beyond. The children will be working collaboratively building pirate ships from Lego and counting how many blocks they have altogether, combining their blocks to create a new total. We will be focusing on our teen numbers in particular looking at the 2digit number and how it is formed with the ten always coming first.

We will be consolidating our knowledge of long vowels ai, ee,igh, oa, oo and reading and writing words with these sounds. The children will be digging for laminated coins in the sand and reading the words and sentences in pairs and if they don't get it right they will walk the dreaded plank!!!

The children are getting very excited about our Brid trip just a reminder New York Class will be going on the 5th July and Athens on the 6th. We do need your consent forms in urgently, which MUST contain your child's National Insurance Number, this can be obtained from your doctor's surgery otherwise we will be unable to take your child with us on the trip.

Our next open day will be on Friday 8th of July, we will put up a sheet to remind you all nearer the time so you can sign up for either a morning or an afternoon session. This is sadly our last open day of the year.

On Tuesday the 19th July the children will be spending a day with their new class teacher. They will get the opportunity to visit their new classroom and do some fabulous work with their new class teacher for the day!! I am sure they will have lots of fun.

Thank-you to those of you who have provided holiday photos for our holiday display boards, and if you look in the classrooms in the morning you will see the pictures have already been displayed. See you tomorrow....

The Reception Team


Lesley McLean said...

Aaaaar, matey! Great to have a full run down on the week ahead. Although I know things have been super busy at school, the blog has been patchy lately. As a parent that does not see teachers at drop off or pick up times, I rely on the blog a lot, so thanks for the return to form.

Mrs F said...

yep - we missed a week last week didn't we!!!! First one all year and yes you're right it is a busy busy time of the year. But I'm sure you'll agree our blog is one of the best!!!