Saturday 25 June 2011

MRS FOSTER's photostream

school 468school 478school 476school 477school 502school 501
school 464school 462school 461school 457school 452school 446
school 442school 430school 423school 416school 413school 414

Enjoy the photo's!


Samuel Worsnop said...

Thanks for the video evidence of seeing Mr Worsnop in the sea!!! Its the first time Samuel and Hollie have seen their Dad in the sea. You all seemed to have a brilliant time and he enjoyed his day, even his sandwiches.


Lesley McLean said...

Whoa! Mrs Foster goes high-tech on Flickr. Not just the kids that are learning this year! Thanks for sharing...they all look so happy and excited!

Mrs F said...

I know - I impressed myself!! uploading photo's individually was just taking forevvvver!! Glad you liked the photo's! :)