Your child will be bring home their learning log tomorrow for them to complete over half term. We would like them to think about what they have learned during this half term about our topic 'Me and My Marvellous Journey'. The front page of their log sets out the 'MUST SHOULD AND COULD' criteria, but these are just there as a guide and to give you some ideas of what they could include. On the first double page spread, there is a brief overview of the topic - with some question prompts for you. You don't have to do all of them (although you can if you wish!)just pick one or two. It is up to you and your child how creative they want to be - but remember they are only allowed to use 1 double page spread. This will make more sense tomorrow when you see the Learning Logs, we hope you have fun with them and can't wait to see them after half term!!
1 comment:
Molly loved doing her learning log, hope she keeps this up til year 6.....
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