This week in Reception in Reception we will be continuing our work on 'Me and My Marvellous Journey!! by looking at how we keep ourselves healthy. On Tuesday the school nurse will be coming to visit us and talking to us about 'The Clean Gang'. She will talk about the importance of keeping clean as a way of keeping ourselves healthy. We will then continue this by thinking about other ways we can keep healthy, such as exercise and eating healthy food. At the end of the week we will be beginning to look at the 5 senses in preparation for next week.
PHONICS: We will continue to practice the sounds we have already learned and introducing e-u-r as well as recapping the'ck' digraph. We will also teach the new Tricky Word 'to' and practice reading and spelling simple captions using the letters we have learned so far.
NUMBER: This week we will be looking at 2d shape - we will be making pictures and patterns as well as going on a shape hunt outside. We will of course still be doing lots of counting and continuing to practice our letter formation.
SEAL: We moved into our new SEAL theme last week 'Getting On and Falling Out. We will continue with this, this week working on the statement 'I am able to be a good friend'.
Letters will be going out this week inviting you to take part in the 'Family SEAL' Project - this will give you an opportunity to work alongside other parents and undertake SEAL linked activities with your child.....more information will follow!!!
We hope you have had a great weekend and look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!!
The Reception Team
P.S. One last thing....it's Miss Fotopoulou's birthday on Wednesday..I think she is going to be 25 (ridiculously young!) I'm sure you will all join me in wishing her a happy birthday and lets hope cake will be involved!! ;0)
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