Sunday 3 October 2010

Weekly Overview week beginning 3rd October

Wow!! What an amazing week we have just experienced, the children have settled into our classroom routines well and have been getting plenty of stars. We have an action packed week a head of us and we hope you are all well rested and are looking forward to another fabulous week in Reception!!

1. Numeracy
We will be continuing to work on our number formation 1-10 and placing numbers in the correct order. We will be counting out objects, sorting and playing games.

2. Literacy
We will be retelling familiar stories and rhymes, reading books about our family, practising writing our names and familiar letters and words. We will be reading the Three Little Pigs linked to our materials and houses topic over the next few weeks so if you have this book, it would be great if you could read it with your child so they become familiar with it as they may be role-playing the story outside in our outdoor area this week.

3. Topic
Moving on from looking at ourselves and our baby pictures we will be discussing our families, who we live with and where we live. We will be looking at 'our homes' and the different types of houses we live in, what rooms we have in a house including the types of furntiture we may find. Then over the next few weeks we will explore materials used to make a strong house and the children will create their own box model houses in the DT area. If you have any spare boxes at home we will be needing an endless supply over the next few weeks, and would appreciate any donations!"!

We will also be looking at what keeps us healthy and doing lots of physical exercise to raise our heart rates and explore things we can do to keep in shape.

4. Seal
We will be discussing how important it is to get on with our friends and not to hurt each other. We will be looking at how we can work as a team in class to get things done.

We look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning.... Miss Skidmore and Mrs Foster

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