Wednesday 20 October 2010


Well, our first half term is nearly over and where has the time gone? I know the children have all had a fabulous journey this half term. They are very tired and are now in need of a well earned rest (as are we - ha ha) So what's in store for our next half term? Well here we go.... a little taster for you all!!

Next half term we will be embarking on a new learning journey with our brand new topic 'Let it shine'. We will be looking at celebrations and all the different way's we celebrate. The children will be exploring the traditions associated with certain celebrations such as Bonfire Night and Christmas; which of course will involve learning about the Gun powder Plot and Re-enacting the Christmas story.

We will continue with ordering, forming and recognising numbers but our main focus will be on the 'teen' numbers. We will be touching on capacity through baking activities nearer christmas and looking at different quantities of objects, adding 1 more and taking away 1 less from groups of smaller and larger amounts. The children will be estimating quantities and practising their basic counting skills.

We will be completing our final set of sounds in Phase two this half term and looking at double consonant clusters, which are two letters that are the same, BUT only make one sound. These sounds have 1 sound button, so when we press them (ll,ff,ss,zz) they make the ONE sound not two and these sounds can be found in words like fuss, hiss, miss, full, pull, puff, cuff, buzz etc..We will be consolidating the sounds we have already learned and segmenting and blending words and captions.

This is just some of what we have planned, there is a lot more besides including some special events in store so watch this SPACE.... its going to be an explosive half term......
We hope you have a super half term and are already looking forward to our new topic 'let it shine'......

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