Sunday 13 March 2011

Open Day Friday 18th March (Red Nose Day too!)

As you will be aware it is our open day this Friday - please choose from either a morning or an afternoon session.

Morning session will be from 8:50 until 11:20 (this will allows to get the children ready for lunch!)
Afternoon session will be from 1:00 until 3:30

It is not necessary for somebody to attend both sessions with your child - we do a morning and afternoon session as space is limited in the classroom and 58 children each with a parent would be 116 people. Your child will be fine on their own during the session that you are not attending - as there will be lots for them to do! Thank you for your cooperation with this.

Open Day is also Red Nose Day - the whole school is taking part with lots of activities throughout the day. We have been asked to wear something 'funny' on the day. We have decided that we are all going to come in our Pyjamas for the day - dressing gowns welcome too! If you would like to join us in your pyjamas the kids would love that!

Thank you
The Reception Team

1 comment:

Lesley McLean said...

Thank you for choosing a nice, easy dress-up theme. I was beginning to worry we were running out of time. Are you collecting money on the day?