Sunday 20 March 2011

Weekly overview week commencing 21st March

We will be starting a new topic all about growing. The children will discuss different living things that grow i.e animals and plants. We will be reading the story Meg's veg and looking at how they planted and looked after their seeds. The children will be investigating what plants need to grow, labeling parts of a plant and looking around the school at what is growing drawing and identifying different varieties of plants. We will be setting up a Garden center for the children to plant their own seeds.

This week we will be continuing with our calculating strand and looking at doubling and learning a new doubles song... ask your child to sing it to you!! The children will be using objects to double and their fingers to support them.

We will be revisiting all the phase 2 sounds and concentrating on the 'oo' sound from phase 3. The children will be learning the new keyword they and consolidating all the sight words learned so far

We are nearing the end of spring term and it will be sad to come in tomorrow morning and not see our chicks, but they will be coming back for a visit soon so watch this space....

The Reception Team

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