Sunday 27 March 2011

Week commencing 28th March

What fantastic weather we had last week, we had an amazing time in our outdoor area pictures to follow.... Here is this weeks line up and our last week of this half term before we break up for the first block of holidays. It will be summer term before we know it! Numeracy We will be continuing with doubles learning our new song 'the doubling machine' which we will try and upload for you to listen too at home!! The children will be representing doubles through ladybird pictures and the children will have a go at writing the number sentence to match 5+5 = 10. Literacy and Topic We will be reading the traditional tale of Jack and The Beanstalk, this week the children will retell the story through music. Using the instruments to create the sounds of the characters and then we will video our final version and try and upload it for you to see, so watch this space. The story links well to our growing topic and the children will be conducting a growing conditions experiment to see what plants need to grow as well as planting their own beans and writing a daily bean diary of what they see. Phonics This week we will be learning the long vowel sound 'oa' and taking the children on a visual journey to help them remember the sound and how it is formed. Outdoors This week we have set up some 'messy play' with porridge oats to explore texture, a garden center to buy and sell flowers, wrap them and price them. We will be setting up tents and tunnels to explore the world underground. We will be vegetable printing creating patterns and pictures of plants. We will be locating various plants around the school. We have set-up a stage area, with a boom box and instruments for the children to create their own shows. Lots of water play so It will be very busy and exciting in our outdoor area. As we are outside a lot this time of year can the children come prepared with a warm, waterproof coat as well as a sun hat for those warmer days. Thankyou The Reception Team

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