Thursday 10 March 2011

Science Week!!

Next Week is science week....this is a whole school focus! We would like the children to complete a little homework over the weekend of which the best 3 will be entered into a competion and the chance to win an exciting prize!!

Reception- Year 2
Next week is National Science and Engineering Week! Your special Science week homework is to use your imagination to design a poster with your creative invention for ‘How do you solve a problem like…?’ You can choose one of the following o

-communicate under water
-prevent hand ache from too much writing
-prevent injury in sport
-speak to animals

You should include an exciting illustration and labelled parts. Your parents can help you to include some notes about the problem it solves and how it works. We will be choosing 3 winners from each class to enter the national competition where you could win a Nintendo DS and game and a science show for your class! Please hand your homework to your teacher by Wednesday 16th March.

Good luck everyone!! :)
The Reception Team

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