I've never seen anything like it!!! We know the cloakroom is not the biggest and we also know that the children are only 4 and 5 - but if you could talk to them about trying to look after their belongings and at least hanging up their coats and keeping their wellies together. If any of you have any suggestions as to how we could make things better in the cloakroom - then please let us know.......... :0)
Aaaaargh! How about using clothes pegs to keep pairs of wellies and gloves together, so they don't get separated all the time?
Or what about an outdoors kit bag (like the PE kit bag but just for hat, scarf, etc)to hang on the peg?
I know I shouldn't but these photos do make me smile! Hope it was better today
Today was much better - i did take photos - we went down the 'hats and scarves down the sleeves of coat' route and gloves in the classroom to dry and wellies together under their coats!! They did great today!! :)
Temporarily, everyone's PE bags in a big box under the table, to leave more space for the thick coats? They're only needed once a week.
What about a wire shelving unit similar to the lunchbox one - wet wellies can drain in the bottom shelf and hats, scarves etc piled in the top shelf. Still messy I know but all in one place - and how about it replacing the picture drying thingy in the cloakroom on top of that table that always gets in the way or maybe put a welly rack underneath the table - on a bit of a roll here!!
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