Welcome back!! Have you missed us? We hope you have all had a great half term and are ready for a very exciting half term leading up to Christmas!! As usual it's action packed, with Curriculum evening, Open Day and a TOP SECRET trip in December - which is very exciting....watch this space!!!
This week we begin our new topic 'Let It Shine!!' where we will begin with Bonfire Night! The children will learn about the Guy Fawkes story and have the opportunity to create some amazing bonfire and firework pictures as well as having a go at making their own 'Guy'!! We also have a big focus, as Miss Skidmore has already mentioned, on bonfire and firework safety. I'm afraid 'Tufty' has retired so Welliphant will be stepping in!!
Phonics will continue with a Phase 2 recap and introducing the children to the digraphs 'ss' 'ff' 'll' - Miss Hyde will be teaching Phonics in Athens class this week - she has planned some exciting activities which I'm sure are going to great!
This week in Numeracy we will be beginning to look more closely at calculating using numicon. We we also begin a big push on recognising and forming our teens numbers - so you can practice these at home too!!
We will be sending home a newsletter this week with lots more information for you - in particular about our curriculum evenings next week and of course our first open day on the 12th!
See you all in the morning bright and early - we can wait to hear about your exciting week off and what you got up to on Halloween!!
Thank You
The Reception Team
err..."we CAN wait to hear about your exciting week off"...surely your training day can't have jaded you THAT much! :-)
I had a great holiday thank you!! Spent a couple of my days in school doing displays - which believe it or not was a RARE treat!! I also managed a bit of shopping and spent 3 hours getting Take That tickets on Friday - I was in the end a very happy lady!
It's good to be back though - this half term is always fab in school and we have some very exciting things planned!!! Thanks for asking!! Mrs Foster x
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