Wednesday 3 November 2010

Fire Engine!!!

We had a surprise visit from Rothwell Fire Station today!! We had asked them to come and see us although even we didn't know it was today!!!! It was a great surprise and the children loved it. 'Dave the Firfighter' came into the classroom and talked to the children about what they do and showed us all the special clothes and equipment they use. Miss Skidmore was a great sport and got dressed up in all the gear - I think she secretly liked it - the children certainly did!! We then went out to have a look at the engine and the Firfighters let all the children have a look inside where they sit and some of the children got to have a go with hose!! They finished their visit by sounding the siren - which again the children thought was great!!! This lead us very nicely into taking to children about Bonfire and Firework safety and the important job that that Firefighters do to keep us safe!!
Enjoy the photos!!!


liz gregory said...

Tom loved the visit from the firemen. Normally I get little response to the "done anything exciting today" question. Today I could not stop him. He also told me about guy fawkes and the gunpowder plot. I think this was his best day EVER!

Melanie Thompson said...

Looking lovely Miss Skidmore !

Miss Skidmore said...

Yes, it was rather hot in that uniform but the children seemed to find it very funny to see me dress as 'Penny' from fireman Sam.