Thursday 11 November 2010

OPEN DAY.....It's tomorrow!!

Don't forget it's Open Day tomorrow - morning session is from 9:00-11:30am and the afternoon session is from 1:00-3:30pm. You are very welcome to stay for the whole session either am or pm - although it also fine just pop in - whichever suits you best!!

We shall look forward to seeing you there - don't forget to wrap up warm and lets hope it's not too windy :/

The Reception Team


Tom Oulton said...

Enjoyed the curriculum evening tonight...forgot to mention that Henry doesn't refer to things being 'L'-shaped, he refers to them being 'Numicon 3'-shaped!

Miss Skidmore said...

Hi Mr Oulton lovely to see you tonight. Don't forget to write that up on your parents comment sheet - that is a great observation!!