Sunday 7 November 2010

Week Beginning 8th November 2011

Another exciting week ahead - I just can't believe how fast time is going!! We are all really looking forward to open day on Friday and really hope that you will all be able to join us! We will be setting up lots of exciting activities for you to do with your children and they will all be based around the different SMARTS that we all are. We know that the children touched on the SMARTS last year in Nursery and open day will be a great refresher for them and help to get them ready to join in whole school SMART WORKING WEDNESDAY after Christmas - we will give you more information nearer the time as to how this will work.

Don't forget our curriculum evenings this week too!! Lots of information for you about how the Foundation Stage Profile works and your child's profile and also information about Numeracy in Reception and things that you can do home! Monday's Curriculum Evening starts at 4:30pm and Thursday's starts at 4:45pm please arrive at the main office - where will be there to let you in!!
OK, so this week.... we will be continuing with our 'Let It Shine' topic and looking at difference between day and night as well as looking at different light sources. We have set up a very exciting 'Dark Den' outside in one of the houses - and the children will be able to experience the dark and use lots of torches and light equipment in there. If your child has anything that lights up - they can bring them into school for us to look at - but please be warned that accidents will happen so don't send anything in that is very precious!! We will also be reading the story - This is the Bear and the Scary Night and other night time stories.

As Thursday is poppy day - will also be talking to your children about this and what it means. I have seen a box of poppies in the office and I'm sure your child will have the opportunity to buy and poppy at some point - we will keep you posted about how and when!!!

Phonics will be a recap week as we have finished all the sounds at phase 2 - we will be practicing all the sounds that we have learned and practicing our blending and segmenting. We have learned the 5 tricky words at phase 2 - I go to the no - why don't you ask your child if they can read them?

Numeracy this week will be continuing with calculating and looking at finding 1 more using Numicon. We also be continuing to practice reading and forming our teens numbers!

Our SEAL statement this week is, 'I know what is right and I can stand up for myself and others'. This is the start of a new theme called 'Say No to Bullying'!!!

Miss Skidmore and I will both be out of school on Tuesday afternoon at the local EYFS moderation meeting. This is a great opportunity for us to meet other Reception teachers in the area and moderate examples of work together, which will ensure that our judgments about your children and accurate and fair! New York class will be covered by Mrs Rymer and Mrs Goddard and Athens Class will be covered by Miss Russell and Miss Fotopoulou.

We are all really looking forward to this week and can't wait to see you at the curriculum evening and open day!!

See you all tomorrow!
The Reception Team


Melanie Thompson said...

Wow Very busy week then
Would just like to say thank you got keeping us so informed. It's great to know what Jamie is up to other than 'nothing' as he keeps telling me although he did mention the fire engine a dozen times before he left school.
I am really pleased how well he has settled into full-time school and amazed how quickly he is learning and picking everything up. Thank you Melanie Thompson

Miss Skidmore said...

Thats really great to hear, Jamie is such a happy child who really enjoys school. He is beginning to share his life at home with me now and is becomming more confident by the day!! Keep it up Jamie :)